Mozilla Firefox 3.6.11 متصفح فاير فوكس الغنى عن التعريف فى اصدار أخير رائع – فاير فوكس هو متصفح الانترنت الأقوى فى عالم متصفحات الانترنت لأنة يتمتع بالعديد من المميزات التى تسهل تصفحك للمواقع بالأضافة الى امكانية اضافة “ Add-ons “ تبسط لك استخدام خصائص متعددة فى نفس الصفحة وأيضا تبقى سرعة فايرفوكس هى أساس تميزة .
Mozilla Firefox - faster, added secure, easier to use and antic a fresh look, this best recent Firefox absolution sets a fresh accepted for web browser innovation. Mozilla Firefox activity (formerly Firebird, which was aforetime Phoenix) is a redesign of Mozilla's browser component, accounting application the XUL user interface accent and advised to be cross-platform. It is small, fast and accessible to use, and offers abounding advantages over added web browsers, such as the called browsing and the adeptness to block pop-up windows. Firefox has the best means to adapt your online acquaintance accurately for the way you use the web. There are added than 6,000 Add-ons (little account that augment Firefox to accommodated your different needs) aloof cat-and-mouse out there to advice you do more, accept added fun and be added artistic online. Firefox keeps your claimed advice claimed and your online interests abroad from the bad guys. Simply put, your aegis is our top priority.
Download Mozilla Firefox 3.6.11
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